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5 August 2020

We’ve been watching traffic patterns for our Taboola Newsroom publishers–here are five big picture US news readership trends from the first half of 2020.

29 July 2020

Want to perform better in search engines? Here’s a guide about content optimization and how to optimize content with SEO best practices in mind.

28 July 2020

To set you up for content marketing success, we’ve gathered some stats on content marketing effectiveness, success, growth, ROI, lead generation & more.

27 July 2020

Let’s dive into the essential types of content in content marketing, discuss why they’re essential, and how you can determine if they might be the best fit.

21 July 2020

Nearly one of every three news article views we saw in June were on stories about Floyd. The data on news coverage and consumption do seem to confirm what our eyes are telling us: this is a historic moment that will have a lasting impact.

20 July 2020

We analyzed the top advertisers within lifestyle, personal finance, and auto vertical to determine what strategies enable them to finding success.

17 July 2020

More than ever, consumers are holding brands accountable and asking them to do better and take action—here are 12 brands taking the lead on the Black Lives Matter movement.

16 July 2020

We’re breaking down everything you need to know about page speed, including tools for testing and optimizing, and tips for creating a fast-loading website.

10 July 2020

Despite the lack of in-person events, see how some brands leaned in to show support for the LGBT+ community and gave back to noteworthy causes.

9 July 2020

The complete guide for video content marketing, the most effective and powerful marketing strategy for your business, including ideas, tips, and examples

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