All Stories

20 June 2019

Back-to-school season is upon us. This means that consumers and brands are gearing up for the second biggest shopping season of the year.

19 June 2019

In a glance, viewers know if your ad is worthy of a click. Here’s how to improve your native advertising headlines and make their decision easier.

18 June 2019

Can machine learning one day learn and adapt the same subtle but vital choices we humans take for granted? And if so, are we as a race in trouble?

12 June 2019

The authorities at IAB delivered these new insights in playbook 2.0. 69 members of the IAB, including us, contributed to it.

7 June 2019

As subscriptions become more important to the publisher’s business model, more content is moving behind a paywall. Here are some strategies to gate yours.

30 May 2019

Our Auto Industry Benchmark Report reveals date-driven trends and insights to help you beat the competition online in 17 different countries.

29 May 2019

These are the conclusions of the global Digital Ad Spending 2019 report from eMarketer. Let’s dig into it now to understand the growth of global ad spend.

24 May 2019

From SMART marketing objectives examples to specific campaign objectives, learn how to set and reach strategic brand awareness objectives and SMART goals

23 May 2019

Agencies, you might be missing out—there’s an opportunity to help marketers command this immense role in CX with personalization efforts.

20 May 2019

Effective brand awareness measurement: uncover the key KPIs, metrics, and strategies to accurately track and enhance your brand’s impact and visibility.

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