All Stories

15 April 2019

We’re giving you the tools you need to add native advertising to your services list, so you can get ahead of the game and start winning new clients.

11 April 2019

Let’s talk about traditional vs. digital funnels, funnel anatomy, and everything you need to know to build your digital marketing funnel.

8 April 2019

Users are consuming content in new ways, and publishers need to adjust What was crystal clear at our latest Taboola Talks—data is the new king.

8 April 2019

We gathered recent data on summer travel content from Taboola Trends, which analyzes images and keywords across the web on a weekly basis.

5 April 2019

For ad budget optimization to truly be automated, it would take advanced artificial AI and likely, ML capabilities. Spoiler—it’s already within your reach.

3 April 2019

You often go online to find something: a product, service, news update, video—the list is long. Or, you go to explore. Enter the discovery platform.

2 April 2019

It’s easy to see why native advertising excites everyone, but people remember only 30% of what they see, so you must make great, click-worthy ads.

27 March 2019

If you can’t evaluate your goals—in publishers’ case, user loyalty—you’re essentially driving blind. To clarify, we’re breaking down this issue further.

21 March 2019

As advertisers continue to shift budgets into app advertising, it will become increasingly incumbent on app owners to deliver programmatic’s missing pieces.

18 March 2019

Boom. The campaign is running and you’re feeling good. But, what now? You have to track the real-time results so that you can optimize it. Here’s how.

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