- Taboola Blog
- Publishers
We aggregated data for all the news sites that use Taboola Newsroom, our real-time audience analytics platform from October through December — let’s see what we found.
To find out which topics garnered the most readership in 2019, we took a deep dive into the data and highlighted most read-worthy topics from across the globe!
Finding the perfect WordPress template can feel like an exercise in futility–here’s a list of the best free WordPress templates for small & mid-sized publishers.
If more people are listening to podcasts, does that also mean more people are reading about them? It turns out, the answer is yes!
Across all aspects of a publisher’s business, data is critical. The newsroom is no exception, but introducing data into your newsroom in a productive way can be challenging.
Which publications do you read? How often? It’s likely you’re loyal to very few publishersmaking you the typical content consumer: the flyby.
When holiday shoppers finish buying gifts and planning parties, they look to spend on their next big investment: New Year’s resolutions. This is when brands and publishers can reach them.
Your blog must produce content – and a lot of it. You should publish new pieces almost every day. But how? Content ideas are all around you. All you need to do is know where to look and how to dig them up.
Hundreds of news outlets joined an effort to increase coverage of climate change ahead of the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Sept. 23. The results are in — and it was a resounding success.
There’s more to being a successful publisher than simply having a great website. To stay ahead of the competition you must keep on top of the latest user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) trends–here are our top 10 trends to attract and retain your visitors.