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18 October 2016

With the political season in full swing, we checked in with several of our leading publisher partners to see how they have been impacted by political advertisers and what their plans are to leverage access to their audiences. This interview is with Joseph Malchow, co-founder at Publir. Have you seen an increase in interest in advertising from the political parties and/or from specific candidates? J. Malchow: Publir can’t speak about the activities of individual parties or candidates. Broadly, here is what is interesting: politics is the art of the possible. Leverage, in politics, comes from shifting the electorate’s perception of what is possible. A turn of phrase, a novel leitmotif, a cutting accusation or inspiring claim: these things tend to do more to move people than the kind of marginal claims that ad campaigns are typically built around. (E.g. 10% off, Trump is better on taxes, and so forth.) If you […]

12 October 2016

With the political season in full swing, we checked in with several of our leading publisher partners to see how they have been impacted by political advertisers and what their plans are to leverage access to their audiences. This interview is with Ford Jordan, CFO, and COO at Liftable Media. Have you seen an increase in interest in advertising from the political parties and/or from specific candidates? F. Jordan: Yes and no. We have had a couple of direct deals with some PACS. Overall, I would say CPMs from January and February have gone up more than they have the last two years. I also feel that conservative politicians are a little more old school, but Trump is better than others when it comes to digital. Some of the more traditional candidates were putting most of their dollars to radio and TV (perhaps leading to their failings). I think political advertisers […]

7 October 2016

Over time, tracking will be able to give you real, actionable insight. Here are a few ideas to measure the impact of your brand storytelling.

5 October 2016

We checked in with publisher partners to see how political advertisers impact them. This interview is Sean Donlon, the National Account Manager, The Blaze.

30 September 2016

Despite the rapid growth of native advertising, there are still plenty of misconceptions about the format floating around the digital ecosystem.

28 September 2016

NAD’s Annual Conference; discussion on “Hot Topics & Best Practices in Advertising Law, Claim Substantiation and Self-Regulation.”

23 September 2016

Brexit! We took a look at political advertising data from our network around the two major events to see which garnered the most reading time.

20 September 2016

Andy, CEO at AdThrive and the challenges and opportunities facing bloggers seeking to monetize their content – now with outstream video advertising.

16 September 2016

Taboola’s Content Strategy Team recently attended this year’s CMW to learn the latest in content strategy from the industry’s best minds.

14 September 2016

Today, we’re thrilled to announce a 3-year partnership with Media General, one of the nation’s largest connected-screen media companies.

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