All Stories

23 March 2017

The Taboola creative strategy team has taken a look at landing page best practices for a Taboola user. The big news—gamification is king.

21 March 2017

Our creative strategy team tested creatives over time to determine campaign best practices—best titles, image best practices, and much more.

10 February 2017

To support your content discovery campaigns this Valentine’s Day, we’ve created a guide to finding your discovery campaign soul mate.

23 January 2017

Several content marketing trends are being amplified by pundits in the industry – but not all of them will stick. These will be a total flop.

15 December 2016

Here are our eCommerce best practices. Taboola worked with an internal content strategy team to analyze thousands of eCommerce discovery campaigns.

7 October 2016

Over time, tracking will be able to give you real, actionable insight. Here are a few ideas to measure the impact of your brand storytelling.

16 September 2016

Taboola’s Content Strategy Team recently attended this year’s CMW to learn the latest in content strategy from the industry’s best minds.

25 August 2016

As the digital media landscape grows and evolves, more and more marketers are putting emphasis on targeting. Of course this makes sense. If internet advertising is the wild west, targeting is a great Sheriff to keep your numbers and metrics in check. That being said – targeting can often be flawed. Say you’re a company selling baby products. Perhaps you’d target married women ages 25-35, as they’re likely to have children. But how many grandmothers, fathers, and single mothers are you missing out on? This is a simplified example, but regardless of your particular business, there’s a good chance you’re letting a percentage of your audience fall through the cracks. Let Users Opt-In to Your Message This is where content marketing, and more specifically content discovery, can play an important role in your efforts. By putting your value proposition out into the world, users can opt-in and self-select merely by […]

9 February 2016

Content marketing tips for engaging with your current customer base and paid channels for engaging new customers. Here are some of our tips.

27 January 2016

It’s not enough for marketers to merely be engaging and informative within an article. Here are our CTA tips for your content discovery campaign.

Create Your Content Campaign Today!