All Stories

8 September 2015

Events Roundup (08/31 – 09/4): Taboola Shares ‘Discovery’ Story at iMedia Brand Summit in Goa

2 September 2015

With a seemingly infinite number of options available to consumers at all times, the best way to capture people’s attention is to stand out from the crowd.

2 September 2015

Q&A Preview: Join Taboola at Content Marketing World 2015 for ‘Content That Converts’

1 September 2015

As part of the collaboration, Taboola’s personalized content recommendations will be integrated across Johnston Press’ network of over 200 desktop and mobile sites, including The Scotsman, The Yorkshire Post, Belfast Newsletter and The News, Portsmouth, driving audience engagement and creating a significant new revenue stream for the publisher.

31 August 2015

With operations spanning Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi, Amura is one of India’s leading digital marketing firms, with a client roster that includes many of the country’s top real estate brands. In an effort to activate the pan-India real estate market, Amura organized the first-ever Indian Realty Flash Sale (IRFS 2015), a four-day online real estate event showcasing properties across 15 cities and 50 top Indian developers. Given the time-sensitive nature of the sale, Amura teamed up with Taboola to target audiences across the web in real-time, driving probable buyers to the IRFS microsite and generating new leads for potential sales. Following the success of the campaign, our teams published a Think Tank interview with Amura’s paid media manager, along with a case study that provides an in-depth look at the collaboration. Some of the key highlights include: Taboola’s advanced targeting drove an average 10 percent boost in qualified traffic […]

27 August 2015

How Publishers Can Re-Think Native and Compete With Facebook Today

26 August 2015

Our new partnership with Allure Media, Australia’s biggest publisher, will work to personalize the user experience for engaged audiences.

25 August 2015

One of the biggest challenges any content marketer faces is coming up with a way to determine whether their content is actually working. Indeed, even if your brand has produced a series of excellent stories, you’ll need to prove that they are helping your company generate sales if someone is going to give you the budget to create more content in the future. And since consumers usually do not make a purchase immediately after watching or reading a piece of content, content marketers have a much more difficult time showing the impact of their work than, say, a direct-response marketer who can just point to their sales conversions. With that in mind, here are four other metrics you can use to gauge whether your content marketing is having the desired effect on your target audience. An expanded definition of “conversions” Typically, we think of a “conversion” in online marketing as […]

24 August 2015

We asked Amura’s paid media manager to provide his perspective on the unique challenges of applying digital marketing to the real estate industry.

18 August 2015

There’s no exact formula for publishing the perfect piece of branded content. As is the case with any creative work, you’re going to go through a period of trial and error before you find the process that works best for you, and there are going to be some hits and misses along the way. Even now, five years into my career as a professional writer, I am still tinkering with how I do things, learning from my peers, and searching for ways to get better. With that said, I’ve looked at thousands of branded content items over the past two years — first as an advertising reporter and later as a content marketing writer — and I’ve noticed that the best stories always have a few things in common. Here are the four elements I’ve found to make up an amazing piece of branded content. An enticing headline that lives […]

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