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Taboola partners with LiveIntent—world leader in the email marketing space. Together, we’re doubling down on email discovery.
Being in business for ten years is an outstanding accomplish and the whole Taboola team has made this possible. We wouldn’t be here without our passion.
Over 100 Taboolars in LA and TLV participated in our first global hackathon—we saw mobile apps, deep learning to data visualization tools & even robots.
How one college student helped define the future of VR in Taboola’s engineering challenge. The Taboola VR Challenge was held in Los Angeles (LA).
We’re excited to announce Taboola’s acquisition of Commerce Sciences allows us to double down on personalization for all open web visitors.
The debate shouldn’t be what industry you align with as a company. The real issue at stake is–are we accountable for what we distribute?
I started Taboola 9 years ago this month because I couldn’t find anything to watch on TV and I thought with so many choices, TV shows should actually find me. With the overwhelming amount of information in the world, I imagined there were billions of people in the same boat and saw an opportunity. The future would be a reverse version of what search engines solved. Instead of expecting people to search for information, we would create a way for information to find people in a curated and personalized way. Our vision from day one was to build a new category called “Discovery” side by side to Search and Display, connecting people with information they may like and never knew existed. We spent the first few years of Taboola focusing on cracking the code of recommending videos based on a user’s content consumption behavior. We’ve been fortunate to have seen […]
During my closing keynote presentation at LA Hacks, I had a surprise announcement: the launch of our first-ever Taboola Virtual Reality Challenge!
Today, we’re announcing a multi-year strategic partnership with MSN, owned by Microsoft, one of the most innovative technology companies in the world.
Taboola is officially announcing an exclusive, 3-year partnership with DIE WELT, one of Germany’s most influential, leading news sites.