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5 January 2017

We’re excited to announce Taboola’s acquisition of Commerce Sciences allows us to double down on personalization for all open web visitors.

23 December 2016

These three marketing trends aren’t just about content, but how 2017 content consumption changes your relationship with your readers.

15 December 2016

Here are our eCommerce best practices. Taboola worked with an internal content strategy team to analyze thousands of eCommerce discovery campaigns.

14 December 2016

Leesa and Taboola worked together to increase return on ad spend by 5 times, resulting in better conversions for the popular mattress brand.

13 December 2016

We are thrilled to announce that today, Germany’s leading Multimedia Sport Platform SPORT1 signed an exclusive partnership with Taboola. Taboola will now power content and video recommendations for mobile services as well as for the SPORT1 apps and desktop. In addition to content recommendations as articles, SPORT1 will also implement Taboola’s native advertising and video outstream platform. Patrick Fischer, Chairman of the Board of Sport1 Media GmbH: “We tested different technology providers and found Taboola was right for us for a number of reasons. First, Taboola’s content recommendation platform can be integrated flexibly and simply. The technology required can also easily be adapted to our infrastructure and can be extended dynamically. Lastly, the new partnership will allow us to better monetize our offerings on all channels and also drive an increase in time spent on our channels for every single user.” Adam Singolda, Founder & CEO at Taboola: “We […]

8 December 2016

We examined consumer data on the most popular mobile devices—common on Black Friday and Cyber Monday—and measured them up to their deals on the day.

30 November 2016

We are excited to share that today, we announced an exclusive strategic partnership with El Universal, the biggest daily publication in Mexico with more than 9 million unique visitors each month according to comScore. Under the agreement, El Universal integrated Taboola’s high-impact content recommendation platform with the goal of driving engagement, monetization and audience growth across desktop and mobile. Under the agreement, El Universal integrated Taboola’s high-impact content recommendation platform with the goal of driving engagement, monetization and audience growth across desktop and mobile. This is the first time El Universal has implemented content recommendation. The partnership marks the first time El Universal has implemented content recommendation as part of its strategy to generate revenue and increase audience reach. It will utilize Taboola’s predictive algorithmic technology to serve high quality, personalized content to its audiences across desktop and mobile. “Content recommendation is a new venture for our publication and our […]

28 November 2016

The debate shouldn’t be what industry you align with as a company. The real issue at stake is–are we accountable for what we distribute?

24 October 2016

Below are five things every marketer should know about using native video to share their branded stories to engage audiences across the web.

19 October 2016

The article below originally appeared in ThinkDigital on October 19, 2016.  Taboola, the world’s leading discovery platform, today announced its exclusive partnership with TDG, the leading Media & Ad-Tech player in Central Eastern, South Eastern Europe & MENA. The collaboration integrates Taboola’s existing platform with TDG’s network of locally operated websites in CE and SE Europe with the first countries to launch being Cyprus, Greece, and Romania. The deal makes TDG the go to point for local advertisers looking to expand into native advertising. Leading marketers and publishers around the world use Taboola’s discovery platform to help distribute their content and monetize their traffic. Powered by predictive algorithmic technology, Taboola delivers personalized content recommendations on some of the most innovative sites around the web through high-impact placements alongside editorial, across all devices. The partnership marks an important stepping stone for content recommendation, as Taboola brings its technology to two of […]

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