All Stories

26 August 2022

Affiliate data from Skimlinks showed us what consumers primarily focused on buying over the past few months. Check it out here!

18 August 2022

Are you an advertiser and trying to think of ways to make sure your brand doesn’t fall behind during a recession? Check out Taboola’s recession marketing creative strategies here.

17 August 2022

Discover how Amazon Prime Day’s data reveals consumer trends that advertisers and publishers can use to optimize their campaigns and content for the next shopping events, including the holiday season.

15 August 2022

With back-to-school shopping season approaching quickly, Taboola has pulled some insights for you to use.

5 August 2022

Taboola has all you need to know about email automation and how to ensure your campaign is effective.

3 August 2022

With International Cat and Dog Days approaching, check out Taboola’s marketing insights and tips!

20 July 2022

Marketing during uncertain times – be it economical, political, or otherwise – needs to be handled with care. Learn more here!

18 July 2022

Check out Taboola’s recession marketing best practices for helpful tips on building engaging ad creative through economic uncertainty.

13 July 2022

Check out these Skimlinks publisher data insights from May and June!

28 June 2022

Brand awareness improves 26% with native video in the marketing mix, with a strong impact on favorability, consideration, and brand image.

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