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These are some tactics that Taboola publisher partners use to boost their on-site monetization, while sustaining a strong user experience (UX).
In the realm of video, the industry is seeing a powerful fusion between two underlying trends—outsream, in-feed formats, and programmatic delivery.
Videos supplement the user experience, rather than disrupt it—native video has many benefits for the exhausted playbook of in-stream.
Below is our step-by-step guide to getting your content discovery campaign up and running in a matter of minutes, and ensuring it’s successful.
Support of women in tech spurred the creation of Taboola Breet, an internal community that discusses issues around diversity and inclusion.
Below are five things every marketer should know about using native video to share their branded stories to engage audiences across the web.
Not getting the desired results from your content discovery campaign? Adjust these four key factors for success to lower your cost-per-action.
Financial planning is a complicated undertaking for even the most money-savvy individuals. The availability of online information has made it easier for people to research a variety of investment options, insurance policies, and retirement plans, but there remains a need for resources that can help people sift through the complexity and simplify the decision-making process. Big Decisions offers easy-to-use calculator tools and educational materials which allow people to better manage their personal finances. Over the past year, the company has evolved its marketing strategy beyond traditional display channels, and invested in discovery technology to share its story with new and more highly-engaged audiences across the web. Our teams published a case study about the collaboration, which found that the bounce rate for Taboola-referred users was over 80 percent lower than similar audiences driven by display channels. By reaching users at a moment when they are already engaged with a piece […]
How are the world’s leading brands are thinking about content marketing? we hosted a roundtable; “Getting Your Brand Discovered.”
Our team found that Taboola outperformed search in driving new TV sales for a leading US consumer electronics company during the holidays.