Native advertising enables advertisers to reach audiences at every stage of the marketing funnel. Because these ads match the surrounding content and context, they fit seamlessly into the user experience and are proven to increase engagement. And by launching these ads programmatically, brands can deliver these experiences at scale to targeted customers across the web.

Therefore, when building native ad campaigns , advertisers are encouraged to focus on one of the following key stages of the funnel:

  • Branding:  High quality sites with broad reach and low CPMs.
  • Consider:  Promote blogs or long-form content that teaches people about your brand.
  • Earn:  Use bid strategies to optimize for efficient CPA.

Once you’ve set your goals, you can focus on other key elements of your native programmatic campaign, such as:

  • creative
  • Audience targeting
  • optimisation

Here are some best practices for these areas to create the most effective and engaging native ads possible.

Creative best practices

Creative is essential to programmatic advertising. No amount of fine-grained audience targeting, optimization, or testing can make a bad creative better. That’s why it’s important that your creative reflects your brand, is impactful, engaging, compelling, and relevant to your audience.

Advertisers can achieve this with the following best practices:

Consider how creative elements work together

Native ads are unique in that the elements can be combined differently each time they are displayed, but you have no control over that. In some cases, the description line is omitted, or the logo is hidden. Ask yourself. Is your ad still engaging with minimal elements displayed? You can check this using the Google Native Ads preview tool.

make a test plan

Programmatic advertising allows you to mix and match different creatives and test them. We recommend that you always try 5-8 creative variations, but you can certainly go beyond that. For example, you can test with:

  • image background color
  • With/without thumbnail text
  • different ad copy

The DSP you choose allows you to optimize these creatives for different audiences, so your ads perform better all the time. Taboola Trends also provides real-time data on which creative ad elements are driving the most clicks.

Create relevant landing pages

It’s important that the landing page you see after clicking on your ad is clearly related to the previous creative that appealed to your audience. For example, if your ad CTA says “show me more”, your landing page should provide the additional information your audience is looking for. Otherwise, it can confuse and annoy potential customers.

You may have already done this kind of landing page refinement for similar campaigns on YouTube and other social platforms. Assets from these channels can be reused in your native ad landing pages to get you started quickly.

Audience targeting best practices

As a programmatic channel, native advertising offers many targeting options to reach the right audience. Keep in mind the following best practices.

  • Make the most of first-party data Third-party cookies will be phased out in 2022 or 2023, making audience targeting less accurate than advertisers currently perceive. Start collecting first-party insights from your audience on owned channels that can be used for retargeting in future campaigns.
  • Create Lookalike Audiences Using your own CRM data, you can increase your chances of increasing engagement and revenue by creating audience segments made up of people who behave similarly to your most loyal customers.
  • Try contextual targeting Show native ads next to content your audience is already reading. Contextual targeting uses machine learning to scan your website and analyze audience behavior in real time, so you can always reach the readers you care about most.
  • Supplement using third-party targeting You can also continue to use third-party audience targeting to supplement your first-party data and reach customers based on specific demographics or characteristics.

Advertisers should minimize targeting (applying either contextual and audience targeting or brand safety targeting, excluding keywords, taboola side or applying an inclusion list or exclusion list on one of the DSPs).

Optimization best practices

Optimizing native ads can be a daunting task, with many ad elements, metrics, and strategies that need to be monitored and adjusted. For brevity, below he recommends focusing on two questions.

  • どの指標を改善しようとしていますか? インプレッション数、クリック数、リード数、購入数、またはまったく別のものですか? たとえば目標がリーチの向上であれば、顧客獲得単価(CPA)の最適化は目指しません。
  • 最もインパクトの大きい変更は何ですか? 画像の微調整、見出しコピーの A/B テスト、オーディエンス・ターゲティングの改善、またはランディング・ページの洗練ですか?


  • デイリー
    • 頻度
    • 予算
  • ウィークリー
    • 入札
    • サイト、デバイス、環境
    • クリエイティブ
  • マンスリー
    • オーディエンス・ターゲティング
    • カテゴリ、キーワード
    • その他すべて



ブランディングと検討: Banco Sabadell 社

スペイン最大の銀行グループの 1 つである Banco Sabadell 社は、自社の住宅ローン商品に関心を持つ可能性が高い、より多くの顧客にリーチし、ウェブサイトで高品質のトラフィックを促進することを求めていました。

Banco Sabadell 社は Taboola と協力して、ターゲット・オーディエンスがすでに活用しているニュース、エンタメ、天気、およびニッチのウェブサイトでのプログラマティック・ネイティブ広告をローンチしました。具体的には、DV360 を使用して、リアルタイムでのネイティブ広告のプレースメントへの入札、および複数のチャネルでのメディア購入の統合を行いました。また、既存の顧客は除外し、新たな見込み客にのみリーチするように、自社の CRM データを活用しました。

As a result, Banco Sabadell’s campaigns achieved a 30% higher click-through rate (CTR) than other channels and increased conversions by 17% in just two months.

Won: Major US Mobile Operator

A major US mobile operator wanted to educate consumers about its new coverage offering and drive clicks to its website. The company launched Taboola’s native in-feed and home page ad placements to reach readers looking for new content to consume.

What are the results?

This campaign outperformed other native display formats with a 100% viewability rate.

Ready to launch a programmatic native advertising campaign?  Taboola, the world’s largest content discovery platform, can help .

