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4 February 2016

To effectively measure the engagement of users load more than one page, we look at several key metrics, like bounce rate and time-on-site.

2 February 2016

People often think of user experience and monetization as two opposing sides in a zero sum game. This perception couldn’t be further from the truth.

28 January 2016

Of all the quantifiable statistics that describe the tick and tock of a website’s operations, bounce rate is among the most severely misunderstood.

27 January 2016

It’s not enough for marketers to merely be engaging and informative within an article. Here are our CTA tips for your content discovery campaign.

21 January 2016

In this 3-part series, we’ll explore how “discovery” can help marketers achieve brand awareness at all stages of the funnel—starting with the top.

21 January 2016

The first step to understanding Millennials, and what drives their content consumption and buying decisions, is to throw assumptions out. Here are our tips.

21 January 2016

Top three reasons that outstream video advertising will power the significant growth predicted in digital video, not pre-roll.

12 January 2016

Today, we’re announcing a multi-year strategic partnership with MSN, owned by Microsoft, one of the most innovative technology companies in the world.

6 January 2016

Grizly found Taboola users outperformed all other recommendation networks: 60-70% more pages per visit, and generating 3x more revenue per session.

22 December 2015

Taboola is officially announcing an exclusive, 3-year partnership with DIE WELT, one of Germany’s most influential, leading news sites.

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