Saving money and losing weight, or getting into better shape, are the top two New Year’s resolutions, according to statista.

If you’re looking to reach people who want a better diet, to start a healthy lifestyle, or change their financial outlook, the following data will help you build the best creative ads to do so.

Data from Taboola Trends reveals the best keywords to include in headlines for this audience, as well as the top image trends that will entice people to click.

Some of the results, such as images with food for diet content, aren’t surprising. Others may not be what you expect.

Add illustrative diet and health images and to add flavor to your content.

For health and wellness New Year’s resolutions content, we found that images with food have a 22 percent higher click through rate (CTR), which isn’t too surprising.

The other two related results were though. We found that images with men and illustrations over photographs perform better with 18 and 17 percent higher CTR, respectively.

Some of the best performing keywords in content that did well in our tests were ‘dinner,’ ‘worst,’ ‘easy,’ ‘ideas,’ and ‘meals.’

new years campaign planning (1)When it comes to focusing specifically on health, colored images (over black and white) have a far better CTR—83 percent.

Furthermore, images that didn’t have pets and were images of exercising indoors versus outdoors (say, on a beach), both performed well, with almost a 50 percent higher CTR.

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When it comes to food and diet content specifically, images that were further away (not close up), outdoors, and included a person (instead of just the food) performed well. However, images with text and pets did not.

Lifestyle Content Needs to be Vibrant and Focused

Trends like color, no pets, and food in the image continued to perform well across a majority of subjects for lifestyle and financial content.

In addition to color and the subject, photos without people also had a slight advantage compared to photos that did.

No animals and photos with food continued to perform well, even in the financial sector. However, conversely to fitness and health, images outside did better.

Men, non-illustrative, and close-up financial images were the top performers for the financial images specifically.

Close-up images of people performed better, as did photos with no people when compared to images that did.

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For lifestyle content, keywords like ‘everyone,’ ‘trick,’ ‘should,’ and ‘foods’ did well.

For the financial sector, ‘rule,’ demographic areas and cities, ‘options’ and ‘should’ are all strong engagement keywords.

Creating the Best New Year’s Video Content

Video continues to be an extremely popular medium for online users. According to Buffer, over 500 million hours of video are watched on YouTube each day and most users report watching video across YouTube and other social platforms daily. In fact, one-third of all internet activity on average is spent watching video. Here are what elements of video are performing best for marketers.

Videos had a higher completion rate when they were:

  • In black and white
  • Featured women over men
  • Didn’t use illustrations or animals
  • Included text
  • Didn’t have people (when compared directly to videos that did)

When it comes to the actions in the video for New Year’s resolutions specifically, certain actions had a higher completion rate than others. People conversing, sitting, stretching, and eating all had a higher completion rate

This data can help you better create content that is more engaging and interesting to your target audience. Over 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail, so provide valuable and helpful content that can help your audience reach their goals for 2019.

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