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7 July 2018

A landing page is created specifically for the purpose of a marketing or ad campaign, and has a strong CTA—here’s how to create a good one.

5 July 2018

At this year’s summit, you couldn’t miss the sound of publishers searching for answers. Traffic and revenue is harder to find. Here’s the industry’s take.

26 June 2018

This post offers insights from Libris by Photoshelter and Contently on visual content and storytelling, as well from a recent panel discussion on the topic.

30 May 2018

You can call the people who follow your brand’s social media feeds “fans” or “friends” if you want, but in all likelihood, the majority of them are, at best, casual acquaintances. They’re unlikely to see your messages or come when you call. The people who actually want to know what’s happening with your company and the products it offers are on your email list—which most often directly relates to your content marketing efforts. Is email marketing a high priority at your company? It should be. Here’s why: Most used channel—By the end of 2019, the number of worldwide email users will increase to over 2.9 billion. Over one-third of the worldwide population will be using email by year-end 2019. (Source) Ownership—Email is entirely permission-based. You send messages to people who have given you permission to do so, and are therefore more receptive to your messages. Unlike social media channels as […]

16 May 2018

You see, banner ads are subconsciously filtered out by almost everyone, a phenomenon that has come to be known as banner blindness.

3 May 2018

Technology marketers, take a bow. Your numbers look impressive—based on the 2018 Technology Content Marketing report from CMI, MarketingProfs and IDG).

23 April 2018

Digital technology has been the greatest change agent of our time. There’s not much it hasn’t touched, agencies and agency marketing included.

18 April 2018

Buzzsumo’s report is full of insights, but its main bullet is that engagement across social networks for publishers and marketers has nose-dived since 2015.

3 April 2018

We’re doing a deeper dive on seven types of top of the funnel content worthy of bumping with advertising dollars in native advertising.

13 March 2018

Chad Pollitt, one of the world’s foremost experts on the topic, help clarify a number of issues around the state of content and native advertising today.

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