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7 January 2020

You’re ready to make money from your website, but you’re not sure which strategies will be most effective. Here are the top ten tactics for driving revenue from your website.

13 November 2019

When holiday shoppers finish buying gifts and planning parties, they look to spend on their next big investment: New Year’s resolutions. This is when brands and publishers can reach them.

28 October 2019

It’s that festive time of year again — no, not the period of pumpkins, turkeys, and gifts, – the time of spreadsheets, revenue forecasts, and data collection. That’s right. It’s budgeting season.

22 October 2019

As big box stores monopolize Black Friday and Amazon takes over Cyber Monday, sandwiched in between them, Small Business Saturday is the time when neighborhood mom-and-pop shops can drive holiday sales.

6 September 2019

To help you build your Thanksgiving marketing campaigns, we pulled data from food-related ads about images, headlines, time of day and more.

5 September 2019

Three months of data — 26 billion impressions and 21 million clicks — on gaming campaigns to understand how consumers interact with native ads.

8 August 2019

Here are six practical tactics you can use right now to increase brand awareness and build your brand-awareness strategy.

9 July 2019

Discover the main advantages and benefits of investing in brand awareness, and why a lack of brand awareness can really drag your business down.

9 July 2019

Let Taboola case studies of successful brand awareness campaigns inspire you. Find strategies that worked for others that could work for your business.

20 June 2019

Back-to-school season is upon us. This means that consumers and brands are gearing up for the second biggest shopping season of the year.

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