Following yesterday’s thrilling five-hour-plus tennis match, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal have been scheduled to play in the final round of the 2017 Australian Open.

These world famous rivals have passed each other in the ranks for years, swapping seats as one has beaten the other. They’re now scheduled to face each other again, in the final round of the Australian Open. As these top tennis players are so close in skill, we thought it would be interesting to examine each player’s popularity worldwide.

australian open data
Right: Rafael Nadal, Left: Roger Federer

We took a look at the number of people in every country that read about either tennis player while the 2017 Australian Open was taking place, but before it became clear they would be playing each other. Here’s an interactive heat map, detailing what we found:

It’s clear that Swiss-born Federer garners more reader interest based on the number of unique articles read about him, versus those of the Spaniard Nadal.

But—even though the world overall reads more about Federer, there are several Spanish speaking countries favoring Nadal.

The Australian Open isn’t over yet, and neither tennis player’s fate is sealed. Watch the finals this Sunday for the outcome.

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